The Future of Giving
You can donate crypot to HRNS. HRNS North America accepts cryptocurrency donations through The Giving Block since April 2022 and is proudly embracing this new and innovative form of giving. If you would like to support our work for the most vulnerable Smallholder Families, donate crypto now in one of over 70 accepted cryptocurrencies of your choice and make a real difference with your crypto asset today.
In the first year of our 2022 Crypto Fundraising Program, HRNS raised over $20,000 USD in Crypto, which was a significant portion of the total funding for HRNS Coffee Camp 2022 in Honduras. These funds were used to enable 100 youth from rural communities to experience an extensive three-day training program led by experts, mentors and founders to empower the next generation of coffee farmers in rural Honduras. If you donate crypto, you can make such things possible.
A special thanks goes to our friends and first crypto partners from Crypto Baristas, who contributed by far the biggest share of last year’s crypto donations. If you want to be like Crypto Baristas and want to get involved, start making a difference today and support our work with crypto.
Alternatively, you can also donate stocks or cash by credit card via our donation widget.
General Information
HRNS is accepting donations through the widget of our partner The Giving Block, a donation platform based in Washington, United States of America. HRNS receives these donations through its U.S.-based subsidiary, HRNS North America. For donors from other jurisdictions, we recommend reviewing the local tax treatment of donations to a U.S. non-profit.
Notes on Cryptocurrency Donations
All donations are non-refundable. When you donate crypto to HRNS, we immediately convert your donation to USD to protect the value of your donation as crypto can be volatile. Please only send currencies listed on the widget and make sure to use the right network. Do not send unsupported currencies (including unsupported ERC-20s, ERC-721s and BEP20s) as they will be lost and cannot be recovered. Please note that donations made through this link support the mission of HRNS outlined on www.hrnstiftung.org. Individual donations cannot be designated to a specific campaign or location. Your gift will be used where it is needed most.
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If you have any questions on how to donate crypto, stocks or by credit card or have any specific partnership inquiries, send us an email: info@hrnstiftung.org.