Having the needs of nature in sight


What we see is that weather patterns are getting more extreme and increasingly less predictable: Extreme droughts, heavy rainfalls, hailstorms, pests and diseases come together with socio-politic implications such as an increasing gender gap or exacerbated poverty.

Climate change affects smallholder families

Climate change is progressing faster than expected. And the effects of climate change are affecting smallholder families livelihoods and their agricultural production and the ecosystems already now in a way that demands quick reactions. Temperatures are rising, pests and diseases are spreading more and more, water scarcity gets worse, extreme weather patterns make farming a challenge and ecosystems suffer of the consequences of all these developments.

Smallholder families in coffee regions are confronted by climate change
In the last twenty-five, thirty years, weve seen a big difference in climate and obviously the coffee production has also been seriously affected.
Donaldo Gonzalez, Honduras

Supporting smallholder families in the face of climate change

HRNS’ work focusses on protecting the environment and restoring natural resources. It is only within healthy ecosystems, that smallholder families can thrive and achieve prospering livelihoods. All HRNS activities and practices being practiced with smallholder families in their communities contribute to reaching exactly that. Whether it is implementing climate-smart agricultural practices, promoting crop diversification, setting up agroforestry systems, foster circular economy approaches, or develop improved water management practices, these activities, among others, all contribute to the protection of nature, biodiversity, the environment, and overall well-being of people in these communities.

Developing practical solutions

Already now prolonged droughts, heavy rains or winds, water shortages, changes in crop seasons or increased temperatures are affecting smallholder families. Their farming systems need to become climate resilient and can also contribute to the mitigation of climate change.

HRNS hands-on activities include:

  • Reforestation and counteracting deforestation
  • Diversification
  • Setting up agroforestry system
  • Circular economy approaches
  • Production of organic fertilizers
  • Developing and sharing climate-smart agricultural practices
  • Water management
  • Safe use and handling of agrochemicals

Impact Fact: Erosion Control

Adoption of erosion control increased significantly during the CFAT program in Tanzania.

(Own M&E Data verified by external evaluation)

72% 2016
97% 2020

Featured Projects

Coffee is grown in Ethiopia in Garden Coffee systems

Reforestation at the origin of coffee

Ethiopia is Africa’s biggest coffee producer. In partnership with International Climate Initiative (IKI), Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMUV), Lavazza Group, and unique land use GmbH, the project “ Restoring Degraded Coffee Landscapes” is contributing to reforestation, the preservation of forest landscapes, and the local action against climate change in the Yayo Biosphere Reserve in Ethiopia.

Smallholder families learn about good agricultural practices and receive agronomic training on climate-friendly processing methods without being drivers of deforestation. As a result, yields can increase, living conditions improve, and families contribute to reforestation while reducing degradation pressure. These are all significant contributions to the preservation of biodiversity, climate protection, and improvement of smallholder families’ livelihoods.

Watch the video
The initiative for coffee&climate uses modern technologies

initiative for coffee&climate

As the implementer of the initiative for coffee&climate (c&c), we test, consolidate and promote best climate adaptation and mitigation practices. They can be directly and at low or no additional costs implemented at farm-level. The c&c methodology enables farmers and their trainers to foster location-specific adaptation and mitigation strategies. Climate-smart tools that are developed by c&c are shared openly in the c&c toolbox.

Watch what coffee&climate is doing

Get involved with HRNS

Partnering with Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung means to join hands-on and committed work with smallholder families in coffee regions. It means to be willing to bring change for them. It means to be ready to get involved and work together.

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